====== WeatherBot ====== {{ :weatherbot.png?direct&200|}}This is a simple bot script, written in Python and based on the PyPump pump.io toolkit. It looks at the inbox of a pump.io account (e.g. [[https://hub.polari.us/weather]]) and looks for new major messages. If the message contains a viable "City,Region" string, the weather information for that location will be returned by the bot as a reply to the original inbox message. This script uses the [[http://openweathermap.org/api]] OpenWeatherMap API. The logo is derived from two OpenClipArt.org images: [[http://openclipart.org/detail/191072/blue-robot-by-scout-191072]] (Blue Robot, by Scout [[http://openclipart.org/user-detail/Scout]]), and [[http://openclipart.org/detail/190891/clouds-by-arking-190891]] (Clouds by Arking [[http://openclipart.org/user-detail/arking]]) ===== License ===== Copyright 2014, Stephen Jacob Sekula [[https://hub.polari.us/steve]] Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at [[http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0]] Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License. ===== External Software Dependencies ===== * PyPump [[https://github.com/xray7224/PyPump.git]] * LYNX (for converting HTML to plain text - some pump clients don't send messages in HTML, some do... this saved me having to write my own converter) ===== Bug Reporting and Feature Requests ===== * [[community:WeatherBotBugTracker]] ===== Source Code ===== #!/usr/bin/env python # Originally authored by Stephen Sekula (https://hub.polari.us/steve) # Distributed under an Apache 2.0 license # For more information ,see import re import pycurl import cStringIO import json import sys import time import subprocess import os import unicodedata from datetime import datetime from pypump import PyPump, Client from pypump.models.image import Image from pypump.models.collection import Collection from pypump.models.collection import Public from pypump.models.person import Person from pypump.exception import PyPumpException # city,region search pattern citypattern = re.compile('.*?([A-Za-z]+,.*)',re.DOTALL) tripletpattern = re.compile('.*?([A-Za-z\-\s]+,\s{0,1}[A-Za-z]+,\s{0,1}[A-Za-z]+).*',re.DOTALL) doubletpattern = re.compile('.*?([A-Za-z\-\s]+,\s{0,1}[A-Za-z]+).*',re.DOTALL) for_tripletpattern = re.compile('^.*?\sfor %s' % (tripletpattern.pattern),re.DOTALL) in_tripletpattern = re.compile('^.*?\sin %s' % (tripletpattern.pattern),re.DOTALL) for_doubletpattern = re.compile('^.*?\sfor %s' % (doubletpattern.pattern),re.DOTALL) in_doubletpattern = re.compile('^.*?\sin %s' % (doubletpattern.pattern),re.DOTALL) # Place the credentials below for the pump.io account # These can be obtained by using: http://polari.us/dokuwiki/doku.php?id=navierstokes#a_simple_program_to_authenticate_pypump_against_your_pumpio_instance client_credentials = ['XXX', 'XXX'] client_tokens = ['XXX', 'XXX'] # Webfinger for your account webfinger = "name@example.com" # Important: define a log file that contains a list of activities to which # we have already responded. logfile_name = "weatherbot.activity.log" def simple_verifier(url): print 'Go to: ' + url return raw_input('Verifier: ') # they will get a code back def HTMLToText( html_text ): pid = os.getpid() htmlfile = open('/tmp/%d_msg.html' % (pid),'w') try: htmlfile.write( html_text ) except UnicodeEncodeError: htmlfile.write( unicodedata.normalize('NFKD', html_text).encode('ascii','ignore') ) pass htmlfile.close() try: ascii_text = subprocess.check_output(["lynx", "--dump", "-width 2048", "-nolist", "/tmp/%d_msg.html" % (pid)]) except subprocess.CalledProcessError: print "There was a problem trying to call lynx - make sure it is installed correctly." return html_text return ascii_text def reply(activity,my_reply): try: activity.obj.comment(my_reply) except PyPumpException: print " ... PyPumpException - ERROR - I will try to get this request next time!" return False pass return True def KelvinToCelsius(temp_kelvin): return temp_kelvin - 273.15 def CelsiusToFarenheit(temp_celsius): return temp_celsius*1.8 + 32.0 def FarenheitToCelsius(temp_farenheit): return (temp_farenheit - 32.0)/1.8 def KPHToMPH(speed_kph): return speed_kph/0.6214 def current_conditions(weather_data): humidity = weather_data['main']['humidity'] temp_kelvin = weather_data['main']['temp'] temp_celsius = KelvinToCelsius(temp_kelvin) temp_farenheit = CelsiusToFarenheit(temp_celsius) wind_speed_kmh = weather_data['wind']['speed'] wind_speed_mph = KPHToMPH(wind_speed_kmh) heat_index_farenheit = -42.379 + 2.04901523*temp_farenheit + 10.14333127*humidity - .22475541*temp_farenheit*humidity - .00683783*temp_farenheit*temp_farenheit - .05481717*humidity*humidity + .00122874*temp_farenheit*temp_farenheit*humidity + .00085282*temp_farenheit*humidity*humidity - .00000199*temp_farenheit*temp_farenheit*humidity*humidity heat_index_celsius = FarenheitToCelsius(heat_index_farenheit) response = "" response += "

The weather in %s is currently:

\n" % weather_data["name"] response += "

" % (weather_data['weather'][0]['icon']) response += "\n" return response def forecast(weather_data): list_of_data = weather_data['list'] response = "" response += "

The forecast for %s is:

\n" % weather_data["city"]["name"] response += "\n" response += "\n" for moment in list_of_data: dt = datetime.fromtimestamp(moment["dt"]) timestamp = dt.strftime('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S') temp_celsius = KelvinToCelsius(moment["main"]["temp"]) temp_farenheit = CelsiusToFarenheit(temp_celsius) humidity = moment["main"]["humidity"] description = "%s - %s" % (moment["weather"][0]["main"], moment["weather"][0]["description"]) icon = "http://openweathermap.org/img/w/%s.png" % (moment["weather"][0]["icon"]) response += "" % (timestamp,temp_celsius,temp_farenheit,humidity,icon,description) response += "
%s%s C (%s F)%s%%%s
" return response client = Client( webfinger, name="PyPump", type="native", key=client_credentials[0], # client key secret=client_credentials[1] # client secret ) # archive of activities I have already processed process_log = open(logfile_name,'a+') while 1==1: pump = PyPump( client=client, token=client_tokens[0], # the token key secret=client_tokens[1], # the token secret verifier_callback=simple_verifier ) my_inbox = pump.me.inbox for activity in my_inbox.major[:100]: author = None to = None cc = None content = None id = None try: author = activity.obj.author to = getattr(activity, "to", []) cc = getattr(activity, "cc", []) content = activity.obj.content id = activity.obj.id except AttributeError: continue if content == None: continue for recipient in to: if isinstance(recipient, Person): if recipient.webfinger == pump.client.webfinger: # check to see if we already handled this request do_i_respond = True process_log.seek(0) for processed_id in process_log: processed_id = processed_id.rstrip() if activity.obj.id == processed_id: do_i_respond = False pass pass if not do_i_respond: continue # handle this content text_content = HTMLToText(content) text_content = text_content.lower() query = -1 if text_content.find('current') != -1 or \ text_content.find('conditions') != -1 or \ text_content.find('currently') != -1: query = 0 elif text_content.find('forecast') != -1: query = 1 pass else: # default to current conditions query = 0 search_result = in_tripletpattern.match(text_content) if not search_result: print " ... Search failed for in + triplet" search_result = for_tripletpattern.match(text_content) if not search_result: print " ... Search failed for for + triplet" search_result = tripletpattern.match(text_content) if not search_result: print " ... Search failed for pure triplet" search_result = in_doubletpattern.match(text_content) if not search_result: print " ... Search failed for in + doublet" search_result = for_doubletpattern.match(text_content) if not search_result: print " ... Search failed for for + doublet" search_result = doubletpattern.match(text_content) if not search_result: print " ... Search failed for pure doublet" pass if query >= 0 and search_result: cityrequest = search_result.group(1) query_type = "current conditions" if query == 1: query_type = "forecast" pass author = "" if type(activity.obj.author) == Person: author = activity.obj.author.display_name elif type(activity.obj.author) == unicode: author = unicodedata.normalize('NFKD', activity.obj.author).encode('ascii','ignore') else: author = activity.obj.author pass print "%s sent a weather request for the %s for %s, which I will now process..." % (author, query_type, cityrequest) # clean up poor formatting in content cityrequest = cityrequest.replace(", ", ",") # send city information to openweathermap.org curl_tries = 0 curl_success = False curl_buffer = cStringIO.StringIO() while curl_success == False and curl_tries < 5: c = pycurl.Curl() if query == 0: # current conditions c.setopt(c.URL, 'http://api.openweathermap.org/data/2.5/weather?q=%s' % (cityrequest)) elif query == 1: # forecast c.setopt(c.URL, 'http://api.openweathermap.org/data/2.5/forecast?q=%s' % (cityrequest)) pass c.setopt(c.WRITEFUNCTION, curl_buffer.write) try: c.perform() except pycurl.error: curl_tries += 1 time.sleep(10) pass curl_success = True c.close() if curl_success == False: response = "

There was a problem getting the response from OpenWeatherMaps.org. It could be them; or, it could be that you did not give me a valid \"City,Region\". Please try again.

" my_reply = pump.Comment(response) success = reply(activity,my_reply) if success: process_log.write(activity.obj.id+"\n") print " ... user did not send a valid City,Region pair or there is a problem with OpenWeatherMaps.org." else: continue pass # Try loading the data from the JSON try: weather_data = json.loads(curl_buffer.getvalue()) curl_buffer.close() except ValueError: response = "

There was a problem getting the response from OpenWeatherMaps.org. It could be them; or, it could be that you did not give me a valid \"City,Region\" pair from you. Please try again.

" my_reply = pump.Comment(response) success = reply(activity,my_reply) curl_buffer.close() process_log.write(activity.obj.id+"\n") print " ... your request resulted in a bad response by the OpenWeatherMap.org API. Check it for funny business. Sorry!" continue try: if query == 0: response = current_conditions(weather_data) elif query == 1: response = forecast(weather_data) pass my_reply = pump.Comment(response) my_reply.cc = cc my_reply.cc.append( pump.Public ) try: activity.obj.comment(my_reply) process_log.write(activity.obj.id+"\n") print " ... successfully handled the request and responded" except PyPumpException: print " ... PyPumpException - ERROR - I will try to get this request next time!" continue except KeyError: response = "

There was a problem getting the response from OpenWeatherMaps.org. It could be them; or, it could be that you did not give me a valid \"City,Region\" string. Please try again.

" my_reply = pump.Comment(response) success = reply(activity,my_reply) curl_buffer.close() process_log.write(activity.obj.id+"\n") print " ... got bad data from the API, it seems. Letting the user know." continue pass pass pass pass pass pass print "Sleeping until next cycle..." time.sleep(30) process_log.close()
===== Talking to WeatherBot ===== WeatherBot (e.g. [[https://hub.polari.us/weather]]) can now take various request forms. Sending these: New York,NY,US or Stockholm,SE results in the original behavior - you get the current conditions. Sending any of these: Current conditions in Jefferson City,MO,US Currently Uppsala,SE Current in London,UK Conditions for Moscow,RU etc. also results in the current conditions. But sending any of these: Forecast for London,UK Forecast in Dallas,TX,US will return a table of forecast data for the city in question, going out 3 days. This is just a first attempt to do simple request processing based on language, and, yes, it's only in English for now. But now you can at least get a forecast! {{ :weatherbot_forecast.png?direct&300 |}}